From Violence in Honduras to Detention in New Mexico to Asylum in Los Angeles

From Violence in Honduras to Detention in New Mexico to Asylum in Los Angeles

From Violence in Honduras to Detention in New Mexico to Asylum in Los Angeles 960 678 Andrew Grzegorek


Bringing to an end a three-year journey, Lorena (not her real name) was granted asylum in the Los Angeles immigration court on April 11. The immigration judge held that Lorena had a well-founded fear of persecution in Honduras as a woman unable to safely leave a violent relationship. Three years ago, Lorena and her three-year-old son left Honduras with little more than the clothes on their backs. After they reached the U.S./Mexico border, ICE arrested and then detained them at the Detention Center in Artesia, New Mexico. SGG agreed to represent Lorena pro bono, the SGG asylum team secured her release on bond, and ultimately helped her obtain asylum relief. Congratulations, Lorena and the SGG asylum team.

Lorena was represented in immigration court by SGG attorney Helen A. Sklar; however, the more arduous task of preparing the asylum application, legal brief, and hundreds of pages of supporting documents, was carried out by SGG’s amazing team of dedicated asylum lawyers and legal assistants.

Congratulations, Lorena and the SGG asylum team